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Amateur Rule 6
Amendment, Constitution 17
By-Laws 36
Annual Meeting of Assembly 9
Annual Meet of League 21
Applicants, Age 4
Fee 5
How entered 5
How protested 5, 34
Published 5
Assessment of Divisions 35
Auditing of Accounts 9
Auditing Committee
Constituted 13, 14
Duties 9
Badge 36
Bonds, paid by League 21
Boards of Officers, Constituted 11
Championships 7
Committees, Duties 25
How appointed 14
Number on each 14
Contested Election 12
Credentials Committee 21
Date of Elections 11
Division, Annual Meeting 13
Constitutions 12
Constitution to be filed 23
Discontinuance 4
Elections 10
Fine for Neglect 10
How Constituted 3
Duties of Officers 23
Management 22
Dues for Applicants 5
Duration of Membership 5
Election to Constitute a Division 3
Election of National Officers by a Majority Vote 36
Emblem 36
Executive Committee, Constituted 13
Duties 8, 25
Fine for delinquency 5
Financial Report to Assembly 9
Good Roads Day 22
Highway Committee, Constituted 13
Duties 28
League Clubs 15, 16, 17
Representatives 11
Local Consuls may form Local Organizations 24
[page 39]
Local Organization Committee, Constituted 13, 14
Duties 31
How made up 14
By Consuls 24
Membership Committee, Constituted 13
Duties 26
Membership Qualification 4
Name of L A W 3
National Assembly, Annual Meeting 9
Membership 8
Order of Business 21
Proxy Votes 21
Quorum 9
National Committees 13
Non-Residents ineligible to Office 11
North California : 4
Objects 3
Officers Duties 18
Officers of the Smaller Divisions 11
Officers of the League 13
Official Organ 14
Official Year 13
Per Capita Tax 7
Plurality shall elect in Divisions 11
President, Duties 18
Professionals defined 7
Protest of Applicant 5, 34
League Club Member 34
Member 33
Officer 32
President 33
Proxies at National Assembly 21
Quarterly Reports 9
Racing Board, Constituted 13, 14
Duties 28
Revenue 25
Removal causes vacancy 12
Renewal of Membership 5
Representatives appointed by Accession 11
Representatives, Quota 10
Rights and Privileges Committee, Constituted 13
Duties 26
Rules and Regulation Committee, Constituted 13
Duties 27
Sanction Fees 25
Power to Grant 28
Seal of L A W 36
Secretary, Bond 20
Duties 18, 19
Editor 20
Salary 20
[page 40]
Secretary-Treasurer, Permanency 10
South California 4
Special Meetings of Assembly 9
Status of Division taken 4
Subscription to Bulletin 21
Sub-Division of League 3
Tailor : 35
Term of Office 11
Transfer of Member 35
Transportation Committee, Constituted 13
Duties 28
How made up 14
Treasurer, Bond 21
Duties 20
Uniform 35
Vacancies 12
Vice-President, Duties 19

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