These documents are from MIT Professor Dr. David Gordon Wilson's archive from his participation in Dr. Paul Dudley White's Committee for Bicycle Safety. I thank Dr. Wilson for access to the archive and the opportunity to copy the documents. I had limited time to copy them. I photographed them with a digital camera, so the copies are a bit rough, but they are readable.
The documents are Adobe PDF files.
1971-12-09 Wilson letter to Sen. William Saltonstall, review of proposed legislation
1972 Petition for legislation with Wilson's notes about onerous provisions
1972-01-22 Wilson's testimony in legislative hearing on bicycle rules of the road legislation
1972-02-01 Massachusetts S1176, a bill for a master plan and a system of bicycling and hiking trails
1972-11-01 Saltonstall's invitation to a meeting to discuss bicycle legislation
1972-11-24 Wilson's testimony at a legislative hearing about bicycle operation and equipment
1973-02-05 S1374, bicycle trails and footpaths bill
1973-02 S881, bicycle rules of the road, also bicycle lane legislation
1973-03-01, hearing notice for S881, S882 and S883.
1973-03-26 Wilson letter to Dr. Ralph Galen about laws
1973-08-01 S1847, revised version of S881
1973-08-07 Saltonstall on status of legislation